Monday, April 9, 2012


Infiltrated with the mind of God.  Sounds kind-of scary but think about it; infiltrated with pure goodness and light and wisdom and love.   
Easter: He is Risen:  now what? The what is that Jesus was seen by all the apostles, by 500 more, by others and by Paul.  Then.........the ascension and the sending of Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit now among us and in us until Christ returns again.
 Whew!  This is deep, infiltrating stuff!
 I pray that we can continue our walk together on the road to Emmaus: you and me and all of our brothers and sisters, only this time we will know that Jesus is right there with us.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Time To Take Flight

The right home, the right environment, the right genetics:  all are outside of our control.
We only have choice over the right belief, which will sustain us through the narrow gate to our prize.

To those who are given much, much will be required. 
Edify, love, support, care for, serve…others.  This is what we are called to do.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Time Traveler

Morning thoughts of time and of perfection
666 the number of man.  6 is one less than the perfection of God.
The opposing forces of this world: evil and imperfection on one side.  God on the other.
God overcomes all in time.  Time is the constant yet not constant at all.

God plus time = perfection
God is light. Light is the measure of time and distance. Without light there is darkness. 

Time Traveler

Thoughts are the wave, words the particle.
Ideas are the points of collation
The points lead to understanding
Understanding becomes wisdom
Wisdom is of God
God is eternal

Energy = mass times the speed of light squared.  Mass is not matter.  Matter is the particulates of mass.  Mass is matter plus energy.

Is life mass and energy?  Is life mass or energy?
If energy is neither created or destroyed then what of life?
A living creature has mass and energy. Yet also a lifeless creature.  Is there a measurement for life?